- Business needs:
- Industries:
Real Estate - Joint Venture:
- No
- Geographial Regions:
- Istanbul-Turkey
- Deal value:
- 0-100$ Thousand
- Barter:
- No
- Expriry Date:
Looking for Corporate Office Space in Istanbul
We are a trading company looking for a proper rental office in Istanbul (ideally in Levent or Maslak area) that can fit 12 people and has a meeting room for 8 to 10 guests. Our budget is $3,000 to $5,000...
Looking for Corporate Office Space in Istanbul
- Business needs:
- Industries:
News & Events
Events - Joint Venture:
- Yes
- Geographial Regions:
- Deal value:
- 0-100$ Thousand
- Barter:
- Expriry Date:
- Attachments:
Turkey Raises Inflation Estimates, Sees Record Trade Deficit
Turkey raised the country’s full-year inflation forecast to 65%, a sign that soaring prices will remain an issue as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attempts to focus on economic growth ahead of 2023 election. The government sees the inflation rate...
Turkey Raises Inflation Estimates, Sees Record Trade Deficit
- Business needs:
- Industries:
Publishing and newspapers
Media and Telecommunication - Joint Venture:
- Yes
- Geographial Regions:
- Dubai-UAE & Istanbul-Turkey
- Deal value:
- 0-100$ Thousand
- Barter:
- No
- Expriry Date:
Business Publication Seeks Distribution Partners in the MENA Region
We are an English language business and lifestyle quarterly magazine focused on the MENA region and are looking for distribution partners, starting with Dubai and Istanbul for both the print and digital versions. Please send us your company profile if...
Business Publication Seeks Distribution Partners in the MENA Region
- Business needs:
- Industries:
Professional and Business Services - Joint Venture:
- No
- Geographial Regions:
- Istanbul-Turkey
- Deal value:
- 0-1$ Million
- Barter:
- Exchanging consulting services
- Expriry Date:
- 2020/03/31
Consulting Partner Needed in Istanbul Turkey
We are establishing a consulting firm in Istanbul (research, strategy, marketing communications, events) and are looking for a suitable partner with similar skills sets to jointly provide such services to local (Turkish) and foreign companies...
Consulting Partner Needed in Istanbul Turkey